Tuesday, May 18, 2010

College Around The Corner

College is right around the corner! [class of `11] . andd who ever knew it could be soo stressful? but i think im ready for it . ohh , the picture to the left is the picture of my "dream" college, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. the campus is beautiful && i love it. (: . but anywaaaayss. i think im ready for it. i just need to get this scholarship and stop trippn mann . lol

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do i have to say anything else? RR =*

this person? this is Rajon Rondo. and me ? im Mrs. Rondo. Im seriously going to hunt this man down when i turn 18 and put on a little charm until he decides he wants me to be w him for the rest of his lifeee. (: Not only is he super adorable, but his game is off the wall. he got a triple-double in yesterdays game w 18 rebounds , i want to say 18 assists and 18 points. (i might be wrongg, idk . ) but anywhoo. Rajon, you're gonna be mine. and i love you. even tho we dont know eachoother lmfao . dont judge me, i gotta dream for the stars . =*

Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome Welcome !

Heeey Everyone, Welcome to my Blog ! (:
Basically, the reason why i made this blog was to express myself moree. I needed a wayy to put my thoughts down intoo words, and what better waay to do that than by BLOGGING. I really think about that weirdest thingss at the weirdness of timess, but the thing is ; sometimees i do make sense (76.5% of the timee) hhaa. soo basically , yeahh . you'll enjoy reading it &&`d it would really make you laugh & also make you think . alrightt ? fashooodie Broodie. love yall & God Bless.